I uploaded another music-related video on my YT if u wanna check it out
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In the meantime, have a cookie. 🍪
Age 20, yes
Art, music, writing
Joined on 7/6/23
Posted by Cl0Cl0 - 2 weeks ago
So I’m starting college again tomorrow and I don’t think it will be long before I’m gonna have to slow down on projects again.
I screwed up so badly the last two semesters and I really don’t wanna screw this one up either. I’m taking only one class this time so hopefully it won’t be as bad.
As for everyone else I hope you’re doing ok. :)
Posted by Cl0Cl0 - 1 month ago
I don't even like half the art I've uploaded on here a lot of the time.
Like at first I think it doesn't look that bad and then I look at other people's art and suddenly mine looks like doodoo.
Maybe it's because I don't add a lot of detail to my art or the proportions are stiff, but idk. I probably just stink at digital art.
Posted by Cl0Cl0 - 1 month ago
I've uploaded some music and other stuff on my YT just in case anyone thought I was inactive. I noticed that both my YT and NG accounts are falling off a bit due to a lack of any "interesting" content but I promise I'll have more stuff put out this month.
Also enjoy this dumb gif I made after playing Interliminality.
Posted by Cl0Cl0 - 1 month ago
(Ripped from my YT)
I think we can all agree that 2024 was one of the most insane years in terms of... pretty much everything. This entire time I've been sitting here thinking "Wtf is going on?" and I'm sure many of you guys can agree. There's times when I actually wanted to delete all of my accounts and go hide in a cave somewhere because of how stressed I've been over everything, including the mess that's my family life. I won't go into detail about that atm.
This year has probably been the most I've thought about myself (like me being autistic) and how my behavior in the past has changed the way I feel about myself. It's not the worst that my mental health has been, but I've had very low self esteem and several depressive episodes that kept me from doing anything that makes me even remotely happy. Staying in my bedroom 24/7 hasn't helped with it either. I haven't had actual friends for years and I hardly connect with the few I have now.
Being in college also screwed me over. I barely passed the first two semesters and I'm unsure what to do for the 3rd. We thought it'd be a good way for me to socialize with other people and take another step in life, which kinda worked out, but it started to melt down when I kept being shy/ quiet. And then I kinda just started wondering what I'm even going to do when I'm older. I'm already 20, most people my age are already working or driving or starting families, or even having a popularity on here. Idk.
I'm not saying 2025 will be better, but I just hope I can finally get myself to pull my crap together and actually have a life outside of drawing talking animals and making music on an IPhone. Thanks to everyone who has tried to support me and appreciate my work.
Posted by Cl0Cl0 - December 16th, 2024
Hey everyone.
So I thought it'd be fun to try this, but I want each of you to make an ornament for this Christmas tree!
Simply just draw a fun looking ornament- doesn't even have to be Christmas themed- make sure it's a png, and then tag me on my yt (-CloClo-)
If you don't have community posts then you could just email the design to me at chloe101.r97xdxcq46@gmail.com (might wanna copy and paste the email lol)
I forgot that you could also just put a submission here if that works out.
You got until the 23rd to make a submission. Hopefully this works... ok, have a good one!